How It Works


Will that Cheeto kill you?


Author: George Zaidan Publisher: Dutton

Price: £19.99 / $27.00 Release: Out now

How often do you view the ingredient­s on the back of your food products? Even if you check regularly it can be difficult to make sense of these long lists and complex codes. Every day we choose products to expose our bodies to, whether to consume in the form of food and drink or to cover our skin with in the form of beauty products.

This book delves deep into the chemistry of these products, from wine gums and coffee to sunscreen and the disturbing truths about swimming pools. By opening this book you are taking a journey, interpreti­ng packets of data and exploring what this really means for you and your body. Not only are the simplified categories of ‘good’ and ‘bad’ foods explained, you are also provided with real-world facts that a list of numbers can’t give you. How much damage can just one more processed

Cheeto have on your body? Are plants trying to kill you?

As the author and illustrato­r, George Zaidan uses his knowledge as a chemist and clever humour to create witty analogies and amusing doodles. Each explanatio­n is provided in a way that even those with no chemistry background can make sense of. Ingredient­s has its own components perfectly combined, and the final product merges serious statistics and original comedy in successful proportion­s. It may just change the way you look at some foods forever.

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