How It Works

The old theories debunked

Houdin’s theory is very different from the traditiona­l theories


One common theory states that an external ramp was used to haul the blocks all the way to the top. The problem is that there isn’t anywhere around the pyramid to place a ramp of this size. The pyramid is built on a plateau, with a steep drop to the north. Cemeteries were built at the same time as the pyramid to its east and west. In order to maintain the correct seven per cent slope all the way to the top, a ramp built to the south would’ve been about 1.6 kilometres long. This huge undertakin­g of labour and use of materials seems impractica­l. Another theory maintains that there was a spiral ramp coiling around the outside of the pyramid. But this type of ramp wouldn’t have allowed the pyramid’s architect, Hemiunu, to maintain the sight lines necessary to ensure that the pyramid’s faces met correctly at its top.

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