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Will we ever be able to go on trips to space?

- Sammy.glanfield (Instagram)

There’ll soon be many ways civilians, rather than astronauts, can take a trip into space. Six different companies plan to offer flights into space within the next few years, including Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic, Elon Musk’s Spacex and Jeff Bezos’ Blue Origin. One flight by Axiom Space is scheduled to take passengers to the Internatio­nal Space Station (ISS) in January 2022. However, unless you’ve got a spare $55 million (£40 million) lying about for a ticket, you’ll have to wait a while before a voyage beyond the Kármán line becomes affordable.

 ??  ?? Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity took three people into space on a test flight
Virgin Galactic’s VSS Unity took three people into space on a test flight

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