How It Works

Out-of-control yeast


These single-celled fungi are often purposeful­ly added to food. Feeding on sugars, the cells release carbon dioxide, which is beneficial for the baking of dough, as it makes it rise. Although a little yeast in food is good for you, when uncontroll­ed growths of yeast enter the body, it can cause infection. Different strains of yeast can tolerate different acidities in food, but yeasts are typically the most prevalent microbe for spoiling carbonated products such as fizzy drinks. This is due to their ability to survive in environmen­ts of very low ph and high carbonatio­n. By producing ethanol as a waste product, spoilage yeasts can drasticall­y change the taste of drinks it contaminat­es. It can also eat away at preservati­ves, which further reduces the shelf life of food and drink.

 ??  ?? Zygosaccha­romyces bailii is one of the most problemati­c yeasts found in acidic food and drink
Zygosaccha­romyces bailii is one of the most problemati­c yeasts found in acidic food and drink

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