How It Works



Dear HIW,

I used to drink huge amounts of tea and coffee. It never stopped me sleeping though. I used to sleep like a log with it. How did my body do it?

Stephen Conn

Caffeine affects each person differentl­y. For some, it can be frustratin­g when a cup of coffee keeps them up all night, while others miss the boost of energy that others experience. If caffeine doesn’t create stimulatin­g effects, this may be due to your genetics. Around ten per cent of people carry a gene that makes them hyposensit­ive to caffeine. This means that they can drink lots of tea and coffee, like yourself, with little effect. It takes around 45 minutes for your body to absorb the caffeine in a cup of coffee. Caffeine molecules bind to receptors on the ends of nerve cells in the brain to block the neurotrans­mitter adenosine. Adenosine usually encourages sleep, but caffeine prevents this. In your case, these receptors may be less effective at binding to the caffeine.

 ?? ?? Some people build up a tolerance to caffeine
Some people build up a tolerance to caffeine

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