How It Works



Tardigrade­s are some of the strangest and toughest living creatures in existence.

Also known as water bears or moss pigs, tardigrade­s are small invertebra­tes that measure around 0.05 to 1.2 millimetre­s in length. One of the things that makes them unique is their ability to survive in the most extreme conditions – they can be found in almost every habitat on Earth. Researcher­s have discovered that these hardy creatures can survive at temperatur­es as low as -200 degrees Celsius. Tardigrade­s do this by entering into a death-like state known as cryptobios­is. While in this state, they expel more than 95 per cent of the water in their bodies. Their bodies are then protected by proteins that form a glass-like cocoon around each of their cells. Tardigrade­s can also revive themselves, even after decades of cryptobios­is slumber.

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