How It Works



There are five main ocean gyres, or garbage patches, in Earth's oceans that have brought together many millions or billions of plastic pieces. In the largest of these, the North Pacific Gyre, there are an estimated 1.8 trillion pieces - that's about 250 pieces of plastic for every human on Earth. The other gyres are the North Atlantic Gyre, the South Atlantic Gyre, the South Pacific Gyre and the Indian Ocean Gyre. Although these patches are mostly made of plastic debris, they aren't exclusivel­y plastic. Among the microplast­ic masses are larger pieces of rubbish, including fishing equipment, bottles and even mobile phones. Due to the circular movement of these patches, plastic items remain trapped in ocean gyres and are broken down by the Sun and the waves into microplast­ics.

 ?? ?? The locations of the world's five main garbage patches are highlighte­d by the light circles
The locations of the world's five main garbage patches are highlighte­d by the light circles

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