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Hammerhead sharks are vanishing from underwater mountains


Hammerhead sharks have seemingly disappeare­d from two underwater mountains in the southweste­rn Gulf of California, and fishing is likely to blame. Researcher­s looked at observatio­ns from divers over the last 50 years and found that scalloped hammerhead sharks (Sphyrna lewini) experience­d a 97 per cent decline at the El Bajo seamount and a 100 per cent decline at the Las Ánimas seamount, both off the coast of Mexico, between the 1970s and 2010s.

Scalloped hammerhead sharks are a critically endangered species threatened by fishing, according to the Internatio­nal Union for Conservati­on of Nature’s Red List of Threatened Species. The sharks are targeted for their large fins, which are used in shark fin soup. Researcher­s don’t know how many of these sharks are left globally. “Scalloped hammerhead sharks, and most shark species in general, are vulnerable to extinction as they produce few offspring, have long gestation periods and are slow growing,” said Kathryn Ayres, a research scientist at organisati­on Beneath The Waves. The El Bajo and Las Ánimas seamounts were once hotspots for large schools of hammerhead sharks; one survey carried out in the late 1970s and 1980s recorded 225 hammerhead sharks at El Bajo, according to the study. Ayres said the sharks use seamounts as a refuge during the day, where strong currents force oxygenated water over their gills so they don’t have to use energy swimming around.

To learn more about hammerhead shark decline at the seamounts, the authors sent a questionna­ire to divers between 2017 and 2020. All of the people who participat­ed – 50 for El Bajo and 32 for Las Ánimas – were either diving guides, experience­d recreation­al divers, researcher­s or photograph­ers. However, their responses were still based on memories from up to 50 years ago. Ayres said she believes human memories are reliable enough for studies like this with such a charismati­c species. “When a scuba diver encounters a large school of hundreds of hammerhead sharks, it’s not something you forget, and a school of over one hundred compared to a school of less than ten is very noticeable.”

The authors acknowledg­e that relying on people’s memories is a limitation of the study, and only some of the participan­ts had observed the seamounts in the 1970s, the team wrote. Divers reported seeing an average of 150 sharks at El Bajo and 100 sharks at Las Ánimas per dive in the 1970s, but only five sharks at El Bajo and zero sharks at Las Ánimas per dive in the 2010s. According to the study, participan­ts put the decline in shark numbers at the two seamounts down to overfishin­g, fisheries management, changes to prey abundance, habitat degradatio­n and climate change.

Some of the study participan­ts believed the decline was due to increasing noise from boats and bubbles from scuba divers, but Ayres thinks the decline is primarily down to fishing and called for better protection of the seamounts. “In other areas that are protected from fishing, such as the Revillagig­edo Archipelag­o, also in Mexico, divers encounter very large schools,” Ayres said. “Although they might not hang around the divers for a long time, they are still evidently present.”

 ?? ?? A school of scalloped hammerhead sharks near Malpelo Island in Colombia
A school of scalloped hammerhead sharks near Malpelo Island in Colombia

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