Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Have we learned nothing from our colonial past?


This shot was sent in by Chantelle Tiplady of Newsome, who said: “A wonderful view I’m still getting used to. The sun setting over the Newsome Mill Clock Tower. This is my new view from my bedroom window. The Newsome Mills fire left our community in shock and brought us closer together in fighting for the keeping of this historical clock tower. The ‘Save The Clock’ Facebook page has been a supportive network, with currently 724 members. Please save this amazing view.” I READ with disbelief the correspond­ence concerning the new £5 note.

It seems that Mr Huddleston is exercised about reactions to news that apparently it contains animal fat. He focuses on vegetarian­s’ unhappines­s with this possibilit­y and asks whether or not they are going to eat the offending article, assuming that only in this way will they come into contact with it.

He seems unaware of the passions that motivate people who refuse to eat animal flesh. They surely have the right to choose what they eat or touch and the people who designed this note should have been aware of all possibilit­ies.

I’m sure that he is aware of the Indian Mutiny in the 19th century. One of the causes of the Sepoy rebellion was that of animal fat used to grease cartridges.

Troops had to bite the paper cartridge while loading the rifle. Rumour was that it contained beef fat. This upset Hindus.

Another rumour was that it contained pig fat. This upset Muslim troops.

The same lack of sensitivit­y and awareness of other religions and beliefs was a characteri­stic of this country in its colonial past.

It seems we have learned nothing from history. Shame that.

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