Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘I did wrong ... but I’m not the baddest person some people are making out’


Her weight has soared due to a behind bars diet of chocolate which also left her teeth in poor condition.

Matthews revealed to a friend: “When I left prison I picked up a Bible and saw a passage about ‘God loves you.’

“I knew I was hated by everyone, cut off from my family… but here they were, saying I was loved.

“I know I did something wrong but I’m not the baddest person people are making out. I am sorry for hurting people.

“I’ve hurt my family. My friends that supported me at the time, I’ve hurt them.

“I love my mum and dad and I miss them. She’s my mum, she gave birth to me.

“I would hate to lose them before I had the chance to say, ‘Sorry.’”

The ex-con, who served half of her sentence for kidnap and perverting justice, moved hundreds of miles away to the south of England from her home in Dewsbury and adopted a new name. She now has jet black hair. Since her early release from prison Matthews has been out of work.

She has told friends her dream is to find a job in catering but she fails at the first hurdle once potential bosses see her criminal history.

She has complained about the amount she is left with from her benefits. She said to a friend: “They’ve completely lowered my money. It’s a horrible life.

“By the time I’ve put money towards running the flat and put £10 a fortnight on the electric and got myself a little bit of food, I have very little of live on.

“I’ve had to sell things. I haven’t even got any credit on my phone.”

The Daily Mirror has chosen not to reveal where Matthews’ new home is – other than she has moved to the South of England where she lives alone.

Shannon Matthews vanished on February 19, 2008.

A police hunt was launched and people from the estate in Dewsbury Moor where she lived joined in. Officers and locals feared the worst when there was no sign of the youngster.

But she was found alive on March 14 at the flat of her mum’s accomplice Michael Donovan in nearby Batley Carr, where she had been drugged and held captive.

A TV drama is due to be released next year about the kidnapping with Gemma Whelan from Game of Thrones playing Karen and Cilla star Sheridan Smith as friend and search organiser Julie Bushby.

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