Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Savannah smiles are best gifts at Christmas


LITTLE Savannah McAllister has some way to go before she beats leukaemia.

But the three-year-old, known as ‘Smiley Savannah’ due to her sunny dispositio­n, is starting to look like a healthy toddler.

The Slaithwait­e girl’s hair has started to return and she’s lost the excess weight from the steroids she took to help her through her chemothera­py.

The tube in her nose has gone because she now insists on taking her medicine orally.

Savannah’s improved health has been the perfect Christmas present for Savannah and her family.

Diagnosed on Mother’s Day and receiving treatment since, Savannah had been struggling with chemothera­py and had been in and out of hospital throughout the autumn.

The little girl and her family had been preparing for a tough festive season as the normally jolly toddler suffered a prolonged chest infection and sickness.

But the little girl’s health picked up in December and the family enjoyed a Christmas without a hospital visit.

Mum Emily, 37, said: “We were prepared for Christmas to be a write-off but as she got better in December it was a really nice surprise.

“We had a really good Christmas. It was spontaneou­s because you can’t plan too far ahead.

“We managed to stay out of hospital for the whole of Christmas which was amazing.”

While Savannah looks healthy, her warm complexion and infectious smile hide the fact that she’s still fighting the disease.

She has mobility problems, tiredness and sickness caused by the chemothera­py she’ll be taking until 2019.

Emily said: “At the moment we’re struggling because she looks better and people think she’s over it.

“People think she’s so happy and smiley – but she’s just like that.

“She’s such a positive girl and I don’t think she realises she’s poorly.”

But as Savannah continues to improve, her family hope her visits to Leeds General Infirmary will be reduced to one a month.

Previously she’d been admitted twice a week and spent three weeklong spells in hospital.

Emily had taken redundancy to care for Savannah.

But Savannah, who is crazy about Disney’s ‘Frozen,’ has shown plenty of resolve.

Emily said: “She has a real strength of character.”

And in 2019 it is hoped Savannah and her family, including dad Andy and siblings Scarlett, Stanley and Sidney, will be going to Disneyland Paris.

Emily’s hairdresse­r Julie Earnshaw held Savannah’s Sunday family fun day, in June, which raised £3,685 towards the holiday.

Jill Clough, of Milnsbridg­e Village Hall, raised a further £350 towards the £6,000 the family need for their all-inclusive trip.

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