Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘Collisions in corridor’ costs councils compo


states they “do not put elbow on lamp again”. Another burn was caused by children with glue guns and the employee advised to “be more careful when around children with glue guns”. The Kirklees accident logs also includes incidents involving children, many in schools. Another log reveals that “adults told not to use play equipment” after one suffered a bruise/ swelling. The log also includes staff who have had contact with electricit­y, harmful substances, falls from height and slips. There were eight employees injured by an animal, all dogs. Others include physical assaults. One employee was burnt when cooking food in a microwave; another log lists an ‘irritation’ and the summary simply says “no more hugging”. In Calderdale the council’s Cabinet reviewed health and safety matters in December. They introduced a medical for all those who drive Calderdale fleet vehicles as part of their work. The change in policy was brought in following the Glasgow refuse accident. New technology has also been installed in the new vehicles introduced as part of the new waste contract with SUEZ. The HGV fleet has been fitted with reverse ‘auto brake’ technology to stop the vehicle if someone stepped out while it was reversing. Other accidents in Calderdale include a litter-picker twisting his ankle and someone who fell off a table, knocking themselves out while adjusting Christmas decoration­s.

Adults told not to use play equipment” after one suffered a bruise/ swelling

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