Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Tip fire stench forces pub to cancel beer festival


AN award-winning pub has been forced to cancel its beer festival because of the stench from the rotting mountain of burnt rubbish at Lockwood tip.

The Star Inn, nearby in Albert Street, was due to hold its winter beer festival in November - but the stink from the Hunter Group tip, where rubbish caught fire in August, meant it had to be axed.

And it’s emerged work to clear up the rubbish will take many more months.

Star Inn licensee Sam Watt said workmen contracted to clear the waste site, at nearby Queen’s Mill Road, told her it would be springtime before the job is halfway done.

She said the smell continued to affect residents and forced her to cancel the winter beer festival.

“We have had a few really bad days where it has been really smelling,” she said. “It has affected trade. I know loyal customers who have not come in because of the smell, which I can quite understand.

“I had an event booked with a marquee for Syngenta’s 100 years celebratio­n and we had to move it somewhere else. I didn’t want people having to come down here because the smell is terrible. I couldn’t hold my winter beer festival either.”

“The guys doing the actual work of moving the rubbish come and have a drink in here when they’ve finished for the day. They say it will be into the spring before they get half of it cleared.”

In July, the Examiner reported that the Hunter Group had locked up and left the site.

The vast size of the tip was revealed in August when rotting rubbish caught fire and firefighte­rs spent many weeks damping it down to prevent a full-scale blaze. Residents were told to keep their doors and windows shut, but people living nearby complained about the smell.

Sam said fire crews were still returning periodical­ly to check it had not flared up again.

Kirklees Council said in September that it had allocated a sum of money for the clear-up, which they said would take several months. The council has pledged to try to recoup the money from the tip owner – although there are fears the bill will end up with taxpayers.

Kirklees has refused to reveal how much money has been set aside to clear the site and transport the rubbish to another disposal facility, claiming “commercial confidenti­ality”. Tip boss Sam Hunter, left, later had his licence revoked by the Environmen­t Agency with his company Sam H Services stripped of its environmen­tal permit, meaning the tip has been shut down. Kirklees Council took Mr Hunter before a judge at Huddersfie­ld County Court for alleged planning breaches. The case was adjourned and is due to resume this month.

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