Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Parents attend vigil at the scene of police shooting at Ainley Top


THERE were emotional scenes last night as around 150 mourners gathered at the spot where Mohammed Yassar Yaqub was shot dead by police in a pre-planned operation at Ainley Top.

The 28-year-old from Crosland Moor was said to have a firearm in his Audi sports car when police swooped on Monday evening.

An investigat­ion into what happened has been begun by the Independen­t Police Complaints Commission.

The evening vigil started quietly at 7pm with just a few cars pulling in at the place of his death where two bouquets had been left.

But their numbers quickly swelled and his friends began blowing up balloons with handwritte­n messages on them and lighting candles.

Yassar’s inconsolab­le parents Safia and Mohammed Yaqub turned up and were supported by friends and family as their tears flowed uncontroll­ably.

A banner was unveiled which read: ‘REST IN PEACE YASSAR. JUSTICE FOR YASSAR.’

Imran Bashir, 29, of Crosland Moor, who said he had known Yassar since schooldays said: “He was a good role model and did a lot for the community.

“This event shows we can protest peacefully.”

There was no overt police presence but two marked police cars were tucked up just yards away on the roundabout before the turn off to Leeds on the M62.

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