Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Three hurt in smash


A WOMAN was cut free from her car after a smash which shut a main road in Cowlersley on Sunday night.

The 38-year-old was trapped behind the wheel.

The woman, a 20-year-old man and two boys aged eight and 10, were in a Vauxhall Corsa in Manchester Road when they were in collision with a Mitsubishi Outlander at 7.30pm.

Both cars were sent spinning in 360-degree turns, with the Corsa embedded in a garden wall.

The woman and two boys were taken to hospital to be treated for their injuries.

Watch Commander Ryan Tetlaw, of Huddersfie­ld Fire Station, said crews had to cut the roof off the Corsa to release the driver.

She was taken to Leeds General Infirmary with serious but nonlife-threatenin­g injuries.

Mr Tetlaw said: “When we arrived at the scene there was debris strewn all over the road and oil spills. The road was closed for some time.

“We cut the roof off one car to free the passengers who were trapped. The children were looked after by a resident before they were all treated for their injuries.”

He added: “One child had suspected broken ribs and a possible broken collarbone, while the other had laceration­s.

“The woman had lower spine and pelvis injuries.

“One kind resident looked after the children while the woman was being treated, and they later attended the hospital with her.”

It is not known whether the male passenger and male Mitsubishi driver were injured, although both vehicles were damaged beyond repair in the smash.

Manchester Road was closed for several hours near the junction with Cowlersley Lane as emergency services attended and launched an investigat­ion.

Four fire engines from Huddersfie­ld and Cleckheato­n, as well as police and four ambulances, attended the scene.

A spokeswoma­n for West Yorkshire Police said: “We were called to the junction of Manchester Road and Cowlersley Lane at 19.38 on Sunday to reports of a two-vehicle collision between a black Mitsubishi Outlander and a black Vauxhall Corsa.

“A woman was trapped inside the Corsa and freed. She was taken to Leeds General Infirmary to be treated for serious but non-lifethreat­ening injuries. “Two boys were also in the car. “The road was closed while emergency services attended the scene and subsequent­ly re-opened at 11.23pm.

“Enquiries are ongoing.”

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