Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Intruder made threats about hanging himself


Privately Owned, Independen­t and Husband & Wife Run Providing High Quality Affordable Funerals Private Chapels of Rest Perfect Choice Pre Paid Funeral Plans A MAN broke into his ex-girlfriend’s home in the middle of the night, put a rope around his neck and threatened to hang himself.

Tayyribah Akram woke to find Mohammed Bilal standing over her bed with the rope in his hand.

He later jumped out of a window after Miss Akram fled the Earlsheato­n house when he assaulted her.

The 22-year-old later warned her to drop the charges and said he wanted her dead.

He pleaded guilty to assault, criminal damage, witness intimidati­on and sending a malicious communicat­ion when he appeared at Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court.

The court heard that Bilal had been with Miss Akram since the age of 18 and didn’t take their break-up well.

On November 14 she was asleep in bed, prosecutor Alex Bozman said.

He told magistrate­s: “The duvet was pulled off her and Mr Bilal was stood over her with a silver bar and rope in his hands.

“She asked him why he was there as he didn’t have a key to the house.

“He said he was going to hang himself in front of her and put the rope around his neck.

“He’d got in by breaking the window.”

Miss Akram told Bilal, of Highgate Road in Dewsbury, to stop being silly and went into the bathroom.

He pulled her onto the floor, grabbed her face and squeezed it and said he couldn’t live without her.

As she fled the house to a neighbour’s home, Miss Akram noticed broken glass from the smashed window all over the kitchen floor.

Bilal then leapt from a first floor window and had to be treated in hospital for his injuries, magistrate­s were told.

Two days later on November 16 Miss Akram received a call from Bilal’s mother.

He was put on the phone and told Miss Akram to drop the charges against him.

She refused and he swore at her and later sent her several text messages.

One of these said: “I wish you were dead. You did this to me.”

Zahid Majeed, mitigating, said that his client had put everything into his four-year relationsh­ip and was devastated when it ended.

He told magistrate­s: “He’s attended at the house in a mental state he’s never been in before.

“He was in a very bad place and talking about ending his own life.

“The way he reacted was extremely inappropri­ate and he understand­s that his behaviour would have caused distress to others.”

Magistrate­s made an 18-month restrainin­g order, banning Bilal from contacting his ex or going to her home in Syke Road, Earlsheato­n.

He must complete 19 days of rehabilita­tion activities and pay Miss Akram £200 compensati­on.

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