Huddersfield Daily Examiner



THE Damned became the first British punk band to play in America with dates in New York, Boston and Los Angeles.

The American gigs followed performanc­es in the UK in March when they opened for glam rock’s Marc Bolan and T Rex on their final tour. MARGARET Thatcher died at the age of 87 after suffering a stroke. She was the longest-serving British prime minister of the 20th century, first coming to power in the 1979 general election, and was the first woman to have held the office.

As Conservati­ve PM she was dubbed The Iron Lady for her uncompromi­sing politics and leadership style. LIBERAL politician Herbert Henry Asquith became British Prime Minister.

His time in office saw him faced with the suffragett­e campaign for votes for women, the First World War and Irish home rule.

The son of a Yorkshire clothing manufactur­er, he was nicknamed Squiffy by his opponents because of his fondness for a tipple and once said: “Youth would be an ideal state if it came a little later in life.” BRITISH fashion designer Dame Vivienne Westwood turns 76 today.

She first made her name in the 1970s designing punk clothes for Sex Pistols manager Malcolm McLaren’s London shop, which later became known as SEX.

She once pointed out: “I was a punk before it got its name. I had that hairstyle and purple lipstick.” ENGINEER Isambard Kingdom Brunel’s 236ft steamship Great Western left Bristol for New York on her maiden voyage.

The oak-hulled paddle-wheel vessel was the world’s largest passenger ship at the time and was later used as a troop ship during the Crimean War. TOUGH-GUY film star Clint Eastwood was elected mayor of California­n seaside resort Carmel with more than 72% of the vote.

The Dirty Harry actor’s campaign slogan was “Bringing the Community Together”.

The job came with a $200 a month salary, but he did make two films, Heartbreak Ridge and Bird, during his two years in office. A BAREFOOT Sandie Shaw won the Eurovision Song Contest for the UK with Puppet On A String.

The song went to number one in the UK charts and sold more than two million copies after the win in Vienna.

Sandie recorded a new version of the song in 2007 to mark her 60th birthday.

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