Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Loss of the Independen­t Living Fund so wrong


“I would love it to be a woman, I think it would be marvellous. Not through pressure of political correctnes­s but it sort of just feels like it’s time. I think it would just be great” AN excellent letter by Dylan Murphy last week concerning cuts for the disabled, but he left one out – the closure of the Independen­t Living Fund (ILF), which happened a couple of years ago, under the Cameron/ Osborne administra­tion.

ILF was an independen­t trust set up by the Department of Work and Pensions to assess for and provide funding to severely disabled people so they could pay for care to help them live, as it said, more independen­tly.

I declare an interest. I became seriously ill and severely disabled at 42 and discovered that the only help then available meant I’d spend the rest of my life in bed staring at the wall, being provided with meals twice a day and being kept approximat­ely clean while I slowly rusted away mentally.

Without ILF, which started around then, I’d have died long since in self defence, or of one of the complicati­ons of immobility. But they closed it down a couple of years ago. The story they told was that they were cutting out an unnecessar­y layer of expensive admin and that they would hand the cash over to local authoritie­s who would carry on shelling it out to the same people.

I was told recently by a Kirklees social worker that not a penny of that ILF money ever reached them.

So the last Conservati­ve Government, in effect, drove a

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