Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Man jailed after he tied up his ex and made threats to kill


Mr Bozman said: “He dragged her off the couch by her feet and tied them together with curtains.

“Then he punched and kicked her all over her body while she was on the floor.

“He continued to shout at her throughout, saying that he was going to kill her.”

Police arrived and Fisher, who warned his ex not to tell them anything when she answered the door, was arrested.

Last June Fisher was jailed over his violent behaviour after downing vodka.

He was still living with his ex when the row erupted while he was drinking with another man.

Fisher took a knife and invited the man to stab him before grabbing him by the throat.

The court heard that he had a personalit­y disorder stemming from being physically abused.

Fisher is now addressing his alcohol problem, his solicitor Carl Kingsley explained.

He old magistrate­s: “The case isn’t pretty and it’s fortunate that the injuries were not more serious. He’s trying to take some responsibi­lty for his behaviour.

“He has underlying issues that explain why he is the way he is and has plans for the future to use his time in a more public spirited way.

Magistrate­s sentenced Fisher to 18 weeks in custody and told him to pay £115 victim surcharge upon his release.

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