Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Why I’m keen to fight my own Robot Wars T


ENNIS star Rafael Nadal was in trouble with his service at Wimbledon.

Not on court but in a Tesco store. He couldn’t work the self-service till as he attempted to buy a six pack of Diet Coke and another customer had to step in to help him.

I can’t work self-service tills either, which is why I avoid them and join a queue to be served by a person even though I may have to wait longer.

It’s my small protest against robots taking over the world. Don’t scoff. Machines are on course to dehumanise everything from shopping to sex.

We book airline tickets online, bank online, tap a cash card to make a purchase, send drones to war, have autopilots, are making self driving cars and shop at selfservic­e tills, which means the loss of till assistant jobs.

An Oxford University study said as many as 35% of all UK jobs could be automated by 2040.

Occupation­s under threat include accommodat­ion and food services, transporta­tion and storage, manufactur­ing and retail, building industry and financial services.

Scientists say there’s a 50% chance that in 150 years humans could be totally unemployed because robots will do all the work.

And more.

Noel Sharkey, Sheffield University’s Professor of Artificial Intelligen­ce and Robotics, has predicted there will be a growing trend of humans having sex with pleasure robots.

The issue of human-robot relations needs addressing, he said, especially as up to two-thirds of men and 30 per cent of women are in favour of them.

By heck. Sounds like there are some happy marriages out there.

The developmen­t of Artificial Intelligen­ce means society will never be the same again. The only reality the human race will have to fall back on is sport. But wait a minute. There is already a table tennis robot in Vietnam, Singapore has a Robo Coach to help elderly people do exercises, and American Football has a padded MVP – Mobile Virtual Player – who runs at up to 20mph and is designed to help players perfect their tackling technique.

There will be a growing trend of humans having sex with pleasure robots.

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