Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Pianist Jessica accepted at prestigiou­s Chetham’s


Chetham’s Music School.

“She loved the school and began to apply for a place. It was an extremely difficult auditionin­g process which saw Jessica returning to the school nine times for various performanc­es and interviews.

“Eventually she was offered a place which is extremely hard to attain, particular­ly in piano.”

Jessica, who lives at home with parents Mark and Anna and younger sister Poppy, will have to live at the Manchester school during the week to focus on her studies.

As well as receiving academic and music tuition at the highest level, she will have the opportunit­y to play in chamber groups, choirs, orchestras and take part in concerts at major music venues around the UK.

Jessica, who is currently preparing for her Grade 5 piano exam this summer, said: “I’m really looking forward to it. It’s a big step being away from home, but I’ve already been for some practice visits and feel ready to take my music to the next level now. I can’t wait.”

We’re so pleased she’s been given this amazing opportunit­y to achieve her potential.

Jessica will be joining 300 other talented students – aged from eight to 18 – who already attend Chetham’s.

Entry to the school is based purely on musical potential and audition.

Many students receive bursaries to enable young people from all social background­s to attend.

A third of the school’s curriculum is devoted to music, so Jessica will be practicing for about three hours everyday.

Mum Anna said: “We’re so proud of Jessica and what she has already achieved.

“She works so hard, practising her piano for hours each day and we’re so pleased she’s been given this amazing opportunit­y to achieve her potential.

“We’ll really miss her, but want to see her grow to be the great musician we know she can be.”

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