Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Judge warns drinker who started blaze


witnesses near to a fence in the residentia­l area. “He had a plastic bottle and was lighting it and this caused a small fire, damaging the hedge.” The flames were extinguish­ed by the witnesses, Mr Astin added. He explained that it was the second blaze to hit the area following a “spontaneou­s combustion” earlier the same day. There was CCTV footage of the incident and 39-year-old Chung was arrested. A young woman was described as being particular­ly alarmed by what happened as she had experience­d a fire at her own home previously. The court heard that Chungh had a previous conviction dated from August last year for wasting police time. He made 15 calls to the police in 11 months and in one emergency call made up a story that one of his relatives had gone missing. The court heard that he had an issue with alcohol, having started

It’s only fortunate that somebody saw you and stopped the fire from spreading

drinking mainly spirits in his late teens.

Chungh was also cautioned after setting fire to his bin in the same location.

District Judge Michael Fanning said: “This is a serious matter and what happened caused real fear to a young witness who experience­d fire damage that almost spread to her home address on a previous occasion.

“She saw what happened, saw you lighting this fire and this has caused her real anxiety. That’s the reality of setting fires, people are cautious of them because they are unpredicta­ble.

“We’re aware of the recent national news and incidents of fire and how quickly they get out of control. It’s only fortunate that somebody saw you and stopped the fire from spreading along the hedge.”

Judge Fanning sentenced Chungh to 12 weeks in custody suspended for a year.

To stop him from going out in the early hours and committing similar offences, he must abide by a three month curfew between the hours of 9pm and 7am.

He was ordered to pay £85 costs and a £115 victim surcharge.

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