Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Loss of school the latest attack on town’s heritage


Chris Sarandon, actor, Lynda Carter, actress Chris Smith, Baron Smith of Finsbury, politician, Gus Van Sant, director, Joe McGann, actor Kerry Dixon, former footballer, Martin Keown, former footballer, Jennifer Lopez, singer and actress, Anna Paquin, actress, FIRST it was our ‘legacy’ from the 2012 Olympics when our beloved sports centre in Cleckheato­n was demolished.

Replaced by what – a mini fitness centre three miles away – not suitable for five-a-side football groups, people with disabiliti­es or the indoor bowling groups, to mention but a few.

Then it was Red House Museum – closed and up for sale. Most towns would be delighted to have a building with Bronte connection­s and find some use for it but not our council. Three viable bids were put forward to save Red House and the council could not even be bothered to consider them.

Now it is the Founders Building at Whitcliffe Mount School. Built and paid for by money collected from ordinary people of the area.

The foundation stone was laid in 1909 and the frontage with the clock tower is an iconic piece of early 20th century architectu­re with many memories for local people.

Four thousand ordinary people signed a petition (within two weeks) to save this building. This shows the strength of feeling in the area. We understand the internal structure is not suitable for a modern school but surely some use could be found for it – apartments would be ideal.

Why has it not got Listed Building status? Kirklees Council say it is nothing to do with them, the school trustees keep very quiet. What is the truth? We do know that the Founders Building has been given, yes, given, to the builders who built the new school on condition it is knocked down and replaced by a grassy knoll. You couldn’t make it up!

The wrecking ball is poised. Please join together to stop this vandalism. The library and our town hall could be next. IT’S been a very busy year for NSPCC Schools Service in our area. Our volunteers have visited 70 schools and spoken to 15,937 children through our Speak Out Stay Safe programme across Calderdale and Kirklees.

The programme ensures children aged 5-11 learn essential safeguardi­ng informatio­n in a lively, interactiv­e and memorable way. By the end of our visit we know pupils feel empowered and can speak out and stay safe.

Thanks to the efforts of volunteers we can provide assemblies and workshops to help children understand abuse in all its forms, know how to protect themselves and to identify their trusted adults and sources of help available.

Our fantastic volunteers have worked extremely hard and their commitment to helping children is impressive.

The difference they have made to children’s lives is huge and I would like to thank them for their time and energy over the past year.

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