Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Over limit with no valid licence or insurance


A SHOPLIFTER fled following a failed attempt to steal from a Huddersfie­ld supermarke­t.

Rao Khan, 39, had tried to take £165 worth of electrical goods from the Market Street branch of Sainsbury’s on June 1.

He ran off after being caught and the items were recovered, Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court heard.

Khan, of Union Street in Lindley, initially entered a not guilty plea, believing he would be sent to prison due to previous offending.

When told by District Judge Michael Fanning that he would be punished within the community he changed his plea to guilty.

Judge Fanning sentenced him to six months of drug rehabilita­tion as punishment. He told Khan: “I think you thought you were going to prison but I regard this as a glitch.”

Khan will have to pay £85 costs and £85 court charge. A HUNGARIAN man who got behind the wheel while twice over the legal limit had no legal documents to show how competent a driver he was.

Cagov Ognynov, 41, appeared at the Huddersfie­ld court with the aid of an interprete­r.

He pleaded guilty to offences of driving over the prescribed limit, using a vehicle without insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.

Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court heard he was stopped by police conducting routine stop checks in the Hillhouse area on June 30.

After pulling him over on Emerald Street, police noticed alcohol on his breath and breath tests revealed he had 73 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100ml of breath.

This was more than twice the legal limit of 35mg.

Ognynov admitted he did not hold a valid UK licence to drive the Renault Megane, which has since been destroyed.

He told the court: “I’m guilty, I’m sorry.”

District Judge Michael Fanning banned him from driving for 20 months and ordered him to pay £240 fine, £85 costs and £30 victim surcharge.

He told Ognynov, of Bradford Road in Fartown: “You represente­d a real danger to other people on the road in that state.

“You don’t have a driving licence and nobody knows how competent you are as a driver.

“You weren’t insured so if you’d knocked somebody over the public would have been expected to pick up the tab because you didn’t spend the money on insurance.”

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