Huddersfield Daily Examiner



- By NICK LAVIGUEUR @grecian9

A WOMAN who was left “hysterical” with pain after hip surgery went wrong has won a six-figure damages pay out.

Surgeons had to make three attempts to fix Golcar grandma of 15, Suzanne Harvey, 59.

But five years on from operations at Calderdale Royal Hospital in Halifax, she is still in crippling pain, needs the surgery doing again, and claims her knee will now need replacing due to errors with the hip surgery.

Ms Harvey’s nightmare began when her first hip replacemen­t dislocated as she was being moved into her bed following the operation.

“I have never experience­d pain like it,” she said. “Another patient said she will never forget the noise I made for the rest of her life – I was hysterical.

“I ended up having three operations and three general anaestheti­cs.”

After action by Hudgells Solicitors, Calderdale and Huddersfie­ld NHS Foundation Trust admitted liability and paid £100,000 in compensati­on to Ms Harvey.

She added: “I couldn’t walk properly for about six months and I needed help at home.

“The replacemen­t was supposed to get me back on my feet but instead, I’m like a hermit and I only go out when my family takes me. I don’t feel safe going on my own. I’m so young at heart, but my body is in bits.

“I still have nightmares and flashbacks, and I wake up screaming about what the pain was like.

“I can walk now but I’m in constant pain and I’ll be on painkiller­s for the rest of my life.

“I feel fed up a lot and I feel like a prisoner because I can’t walk far.

“All I ever wanted from taking legal action was a genuine faceto-face apology, but I’ve never had one.

“I’ve felt like a number, not a patient, and £100,000 still isn’t an apology.”

Reports by independen­t medical experts said Ms Harvey could have expected to have regained reasonable hip function within five to six months and would not have suffered chronic post-surgical pain, as well as other health problems, had the initial operation been completed successful­ly.

They also said her right hip replacemen­t would have had a normal 15-year lifespan, rather than the eight to 10-year lifespan her current hip has.

Tasmin White, of Hudgell Solicitors, represente­d Ms Harvey in the case.

She said: “It is completely unacceptab­le for such avoidable errors to be made.

“Put simply, this case was about the failure to ensure the hip replacemen­t was done correctly the first time.”

Deputy chief executive and chief nurse at the trust, Brendan Brown, said: “We offer our sincere apologies to Ms Harvey for the problems she encountere­d with her hip replacemen­t surgery. We have reached an out of court settlement and for this reason cannot comment any further.”

 ??  ?? Golcar woman Suzanne Harvey says the payout is still not the apology she wanted
Golcar woman Suzanne Harvey says the payout is still not the apology she wanted
 ??  ?? Suzanne Harvey of Golcar is still in crippling pain
Suzanne Harvey of Golcar is still in crippling pain

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