Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘My skip’s been filled up’


IMAGINE paying £130 for a skip only to see it filled with other people’s rubbish within a few hours.

That’s what happened to Rod Winter ... and he’s furious.

Fed-up Rod and his wife Kathryn hired the skip as they are moving from Marion Street in Brighouse to Scarboroug­h.

The skip landed on Monday and within a few hours it had been filled with someone’s unwanted sofa, chairs and a dirty old mattress.

Rod, 62, who also paid a £30 council fee to have the skip placed on the road, labelled the mystery dumpers “despicable” and selfish. “I think it sucks,” he added. “If they had knocked on the door and asked me I would have asked them to wait until I had finished with the skip.

“It think it was someone nearby who had these things in their garden.

“My message to them is ‘buy your own skip.’”

Rod, a gas engineer, posted photos on Facebook with the message: “I was sad to be leaving Brighouse but this could well change my mind.”

He is hoping the dumped items will be taken away by the council but it will cost him another £15.

Other residents sympathise­d with his plight.

One woman said: “This happened to us two weeks ago. So damn annoying ain’t it?”

Another resident added: “I feel sorry for you – there are some selfish pig-ignorant people about.”

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