Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Carol’s message to get nomination­s for heroes


IN October, I have the great pleasure of hosting the Mirror’s 19th annual Pride of Britain Awards, in partnershi­p with TSB, on ITV.

For me, it’s the only TV awards show that matters because the winners are the unsung heroes who put the Great into Britain.

But we need your readers’ help in telling us who they know who deserves a coveted Pride of Britain award.

Perhaps it’s someone who has transforme­d their community, a child who has overcome adversity, an inspiratio­nal fundraiser, campaigner, carer or teacher or a member of the emergency services or the NHS who has gone beyond the call of duty?

To nominate, please pick up a form from your local TSB branch or visit the website: www.prideofbri­

Please act quickly as nomination­s close at midnight this Friday to find the stars of Pride of Britain 2017. I was there on 5th February 2015 when the dynamic political duo aka known as ‘CamBorn’ told a bused-in Leeds audience that investment in Northern Powerhouse transpenni­ne rail electrific­ation was a top Government infrastruc­ture priority already under way.

To their credit BBC Look North’s regional news presenters took the then Prime Minister to task that evening, pointing out, in fact, that to the contrary work on same hadn’t even started.

Two-and-half years and two General Elections later let’s hope that the practical common sense of the obvious capital spending proposals’ economic benefits will finally prevail.

Perhaps the realisatio­n too that there were, and are, also ‘votes’ in that will finally sway the current incumbents’ embattled Westminste­r regime to actually implement the right action for a change.

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