Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Drive against illegal off-roading in the Holme Valley


They wanted to make sure offroaders were aware of the places where they can legally drive or ride – and the consequenc­es of driving or riding illegally.

Alex Davidson, West Yorkshire representa­tive for GLASS, said: “As winter and the dark nights approach – a time when illegal activity increases – all parties concerned are keen to play their part in preventing illegal driving, whether it be driving off the lines of legal rights of way or blatant illegal driving on open moorland.

“This is all being monitored with the police patrolling the areas concerned and members of the public being encouraged to report any incidents witnessed by telephonin­g 101 with details.”

Alex said that anyone thinking of breaking the law faced the prospect of having their vehicle seized under Section 59 of the Police Reform Act 2002 for driving a vehicle on or off a road in a manner “causing alarm, distress Pictured at the awareness day for 4x4 drivers and motorcycli­sts at Ramsden Road are John Bradley (left), Alex Davidson (second right) and Allan Senior (right), of GLASS, with Sharon Davidson and Peak Park ranger Gordon Danks or annoyance.”

GLASS is the national user group for people who enjoy using the country’s network of ancient unsurfaced public roads and vehicular rights of way.

It promotes legal and responsibl­e driving as a way of enjoying the countrysid­e and campaigns against irresponsi­ble use.

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