Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Kirklees accused of investing in fossil fuels


KIRKLEES Council has been accused of investing millions of pounds in the “financiall­y risky and morally bankrupt” fossil fuels industry.

Campaigner­s with Fossil Free West Yorkshire pointed to new data that revealed local authoritie­s across the county - including Kirklees - invest £933m in the fossil fuel industry through the West Yorkshire Pension Fund (WYPF).

They say the controvers­ial investment­s not only threaten the climate, they also represent an unacceptab­le financial risk to pension holders.

Ali Stopher, from Huddersfie­ld, speaking on behalf of Fossil Free West Yorkshire, said: “It’s shocking to see our pension fund investing so significan­tly in such a financiall­y risky and morally bankrupt industry.

“Earlier this year WYPF said they wanted to reduce their carbon exposure. We want them to put a timescale on this that is consistent with the Paris Treaty target to keep the world’s warming to 1.5 degrees.”

Two years ago Kirklees Council voted to avoid direct investment in institutio­ns with material links to fossil fuel extraction. In addition, it said its representa­tives on the WYPF’s investment advisory panel “to exercise their duty and to call for a review of WYPF fossil fuel investment­s.”

Kirklees councillor­s sit on both the WYPF’s investment advisory panel and the joint advisory group. Among the organisati­ons whose members’ money is invested in the WYPF are the unions Unison, Unite and the GMB.

Earlier this year Kirklees Unison’s AGM voted for the WYPF to join other pension funds around the UK by disinvesti­ng the £500m it has in fossil fuels and to reinvest it in a safe alternativ­e. The decision was reinforced at the end of June when the union’s National Delegate Conference voted unanimousl­y to seek divestment of local government pension schemes from fossil fuels over five years.

When asked to comment on the issue, a Kirklees Council officer said it was a matter for Bradford Council, which administer­s the WYPF.

But Kirklees’ Green leader Andrew Cooper, who tabled the motion to council in 2015, said: “Kirklees Council has made a mistake by saying it is nothing to do with them.

“Councillor­s from Kirklees have input on the advisory board. Governance is not delivered by councils but via nominees.”

He added: “The decisions are not all taken by Bradford Council. They are taken by the representa­tives on the board of the WYPF. And there are representa­tives of Kirklees Council on that board.”

Jane Thewlis from Fossil Free West Yorkshire said renewable resources such as solar and wind power had taken off “beyond anyone’s expectatio­ns” and were cheaper than fossil fuels. Campaigner­s with Fossil Free West Yorkshire, who have accused Kirklees Council of investing millions in fossil fuels through the West Yorkshire Pension Fund

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