Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Getting into the spirit of things...


CREEPY from the outset, this thriller has the feel of a ghost story that will get your pulse racing within minutes. It starts in terrifying fashion when a man thinks there is an intruder at his country house (which is, of course, completely deserted) and feels he is being watched.

One of the first things you’ll notice is that cello music, which strains in the background heightenin­g the tension, is eerie as hell. Cut to Matilda Gray (Lydia Wilson), a successful cellist who is about to embark on a residency in New York. But first she is playing a big concert in London with accompanis­t Hal (Joel Fry). She is also gearing herself up to meet her mum (Joanna Scanlan) after the show and tell her she’s moving away. However, she sees her mum before then in a horrible and shocking scene that you won’t forget in a hurry. After that, Matilda discovers links to a small Welsh village and the case of a girl who went missing over 20 years ago.

It’s true that all good ghost stories need to feature a little girl from long ago. And what with the cello music, rustling curtains, the sudden cracking of windows and a whispering that gets louder, this is perhaps something you should watch with the lights on.

A clever and well-acted thriller from the producers of The Missing, it’s refreshing to see a drama that doesn’t involve a police detective with a dodgy past. But if you scare easily, beware.

Also stars Brendan Coyle and Tara Fitzgerald.

 ??  ?? Lydia Wilson as Matilda, above, and with Joel Fry, who plays Hal Fine, left
Lydia Wilson as Matilda, above, and with Joel Fry, who plays Hal Fine, left

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