Huddersfield Daily Examiner


Your guide to all the drama in the Square, on the cobbles and in the Dales



THERE have been some big decisions this week in Emmerdale. Jimmy has made a decision over his job but now he and Nicola are forced to justify their actions.

Meanwhile, Lachlan jumps to conclusion­s after he and Belle meet the solicitor. And elsewhere, Graham has concerns. Plus there’s the fall out of the ultimatum Cain gave Moira. No decision ever seems final for these two. And there’s still tension between Tracy and David.


AN emotional visit to Walford as Jay finally crumbles over Abi’s death.

Then later he opens a package at work to find it’s Abi’s coffin plaque. Jay’s mood means he reaches breaking point over the situation with Ben. Fed up with protecting him, he hands his phone to Phil to call him.

Meanwhile, Masood tries (and fails) to make it up to Mariam. So he agrees to meet with the woman, Noor, who Mariam has lined up for him.

CORONATION STREET ITV, 7.30pm and 8.30pm

AIDAN and Kate have decided to be tested to see if they can be a donor for Carla. As they go off for the appointmen­t, Carla is nervous, so finds a rather cheeky way to distract herself. Let’s just say, Daniel gets more than he bargained for.

Meanwhile, Zeedan is not coping well after finding out about Rana’s affair. So much so that he pulls out a bottle of whisky and drowns his sorrows in alcohol. Elsewhere, Gina’s not taking her medication.

 ??  ?? Jimmy and Nicola have to justify their decision
Jimmy and Nicola have to justify their decision
 ??  ?? Masood meets up with Noor
Masood meets up with Noor
 ??  ?? Zeedan is struggling
Zeedan is struggling

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