Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘I was brought back to life four times’


The court heard that Sarah had been punched by her ex Joseph St Hilaire – though he was not charged with any offence – and then beaten by the three women.

Although she doesn’t remember what happened, she says she was kicked while she was on the ground and then made the decision to drive as she was frightened.

“The last thing I remember is saying to my friend that I need to go to hospital and told her to get out of the car.

“The next thing is I woke up in hospital.”

Her car collided with a taxi at the junction of Castlegate and the top of Chapel Hill at around 4am on July 2.

“My right arm was smashed to smithereen­s and I was lucky that the surgeon didn’t have to remove it.

“It took a long time to cut me out of the car and they had to bring me back to life four times. I stopped breathing while they were trying to cut me out.”

She suffered fractures to her pelvis, femur and two bones in her back were also broken. The taxi driver wasn’t hurt.

After six weeks in hospital in Leeds she was allowed home but was confined to a wheelchair and now walks with a crutch.

While she was recovering in hospital her house was burgled.

She also lost her job as a school cook and now relies on benefits.

“I have worked all my life and have never claimed a penny before,” says Sarah, who has now moved away from

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