Huddersfield Daily Examiner

News /24 hours of social


BRITISH holidaymak­ers spend almost a full day of their trips taking and editing photos for social media.

New research by Internatio­nal Currency Exchange reveals British holiday-makers spend 22 hours and 36 minutes on the task.

According to the study, the average Brit takes seven minutes and 12 seconds trying to take the perfect holiday photo.

And with the average holidaymak­er taking 21 photos a day across a nine-day trip, this adds up to nearly an entire day of precious holiday time.

It’s not just taking the photos which eats up time either. After 13 attempts trying to snap the perfect picture, British travellers say they then spend five and a half minutes editing the photo and writing a suitably witty or jealousy-inducing caption for social media.

These figures are even higher among younger Brits abroad, with 18- to 24-year-olds taking an average of over 12 minutes and 16 attempts to get a social media worthy shot, and a further seven and a half minutes editing and captioning the picture.

While nearly four in ten said that posting holiday pictures on social media makes them feel happy, more than a quarter of 18- to 24-year-olds worry that their followers won’t think their holiday looks good; two in ten worry about getting no likes and the same number get concerned about receiving a negative response to their post.

Now, to encourage people to feel fun and care-free on holiday, ICE is inviting people to submit their holiday photo fails for the chance to win £250 in a foreign currency of their choice.

Louis Bridger, general manager at Internatio­nal Currency Exchange, said: “Our research shows that Brits go to extreme lengths to perfect their holiday photos.

“Our message to those who do worry about what others think is that they really shouldn’t have to.

“We’re always our own worst critics and at the end of the day it’s all about enjoying yourself and capturing your memories.”

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