Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Clubs and wine...


but the locations have not been disclosed including a burglary in which two TVs were stolen, an iPad mini, boots and shoes.

October 11 at midnight: A thief took a Flymo, a set of golf clubs, a phone and credit cards from a Seat Ibiza which was parked on Perseveran­ce Place.

October 11 at 9.30pm - a set of golf clubs and 20 bottles of wine were taken from an insecure garage on Liphill Bank Road.

Two further crimes were reported, including the theft of tools from a container on a works site, and the theft of cards and cash from a Land Rover Freelander. from a workshop and then dumped in a river.

A dumper truck and excavator were taken from a building site and a VW Scirocco was taken and later found by the owner.

October 15 at 5.50pm - a thief took a mobile phone from a woman’s handbag as she used the car park payment machine at Huddersfie­ld Royal Infirmary.

Six other crimes were reported but the householde­rs objected to the locations being made public. The incidents included the theft of a Fiat 500, a Subaru Impreza and a Ford Transit.

October 15 at 11am thieves stole a large quantity of stacked stone and metal after driving into a yard on Kings Mill Lane in a white Vauxhall van.

October 18 at 12.20am - an overhead projector was stolen from Newsome High School. A suspect was arrested and the projector was recovered.

October 20 at 12.55am - a site office on Meltham Road was broken into and commercial power tools and a radio taken. $V ZH PDUN WKH 5$)ȇV FHQWHQDU\ ZH DUH SURXG WR KDYH VWRRG VLGH E\ VLGH ZLWK WKH 5$) )DPLO\ LQ WKHLU WLPH RI QHHG DQG ZH ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR EH WKHUH ΖI \RX VHUYHG LQ WKH 5$) LQFOXGLQJ 1DWLRQDO 6HUYLFH RU DUH WKH ZLIH RU SDUWQHU RI VRPHERG\ ZKR VHUYHG DQG QHHG RXU KHOS WKHQ SOHDVH JHW LQ WRXFK WRGD\ ;OLYL HYL ZV THU` ^H`Z ^L JHU OLSW PUJS\KPUN! /64, 9,7(09: (+(7;(;065: -05(5*0(3 /,37 9,:70;, )9,(2: *(9, 05 ;/, /64, 46)030;@ 05 (5+ 6<;:0+, ;/, /64, ,46;065(3 :<7769;

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