Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Those in power always secure the top positions


Of course it did, the whole lot should have been on remand in prison but they allowed each one to roam about freely on our streets whilst OUR CHILDREN were out and about and knew what sick, deprived acts they had done to children. It’s absolutely disgusting that their identities were protected and the general public were kept in the dark! Helen Reddy, singer, Jon Anderson, singer actress, Phil Daniels, actor Michael Lynagh, former rugby player, Smith, author, Shaun Wright-Phillips, footballer, Katy Perry, American singer IT should have been of no surprise for those who live in the ‘real world that Sir Nick Clegg, former leader of the Lib-Dems, has become a Facebook business executive on a £4 million a year salary.

This despite his once castigatin­g his new employer for not pay enough UK tax (only £7.4million on UK sales of £1,300million in 2017).

The ‘revolving door’ is fit and well, it has to be said as it always has been in reality.

Former prime minsters, health secretarie­s, business secretarie­s, energy ministers and Whitehall’s top mandarins, together with EU commission­ers et al, after leaving office have accepted the crème de la crème of business appointmen­ts in the industries that they previously oversaw and regulated, basically through UK law.

Indeed, even Secretarie­s of State for Culture and the Media have been appointed to one of the top four jobs at the BBC and in circumstan­ces where they were the only person asked to take the job.

In this respect, even Jeremy Paxman a couple of years ago, whilst on Newsnight, was taken aback when he interviewe­d the minister due to the audacity of the BBC and the former government’s top Culture Minister’s accepting the position when all others were excluded.

Is it no wonder therefore that politician­s are seen in the lowest esteem possible by 90% of the British people in a recent poll and where politics was also seen as the least trusted profession of all profession­s by far.

But I suppose it is water off a duck’s back for those who constantly use the ‘revolving door’ I SEE the local MP Barry Sheerman goes to London to attend the anti-Brexit protest but could not find time to attend the last protest in Huddersfie­ld, the town he represents, to stop us losing our hospital.

Has he done a straw poll on the views of all the people he represents on the subject of Brexit or are the views of students, who come and go, and his own more important. NOT only has our Prime Minister Mrs May had a charisma bypass, but she has developed into the doyenne of dither.

Time to go, Theresa!

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