Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Had begged school bully


Stills from mobile phone footage showing an attack on the sister of the Syrian boy at the centre of a bullying storm services, Steve Walker.

He said: “I couldn’t investigat­e because I’m not in the school. I was told to contact the director of children’s services because it’s a safeguardi­ng issue. It is my duty to pass on the evidence.

“I reported it to the director of children’s services on October 28 but I don’t know what action the school had taken before then.”

Clr McGuin said he replied to the boy saying he would try to help him, and the boy wrote back thanking him for his reply.

He said: “The boy said there was a video showing what had happened to him going round school which he would send me, but he never did.

“Then I got an email on Monday of this week detailing a number of things which had happened at the school. It was all dealt with. They had done an investigat­ion. Parents and police had been involved. (The victim) was kept off school for a few weeks.

“The first time I saw the video was on Wednesday. I’ve had it sent to me by several people. But it’s spiralled out of control completely.

“I have been inundated with emails and phone calls. People are horrified by it and wondered what action I have taken. I started trying to answer everything but there are so many of them.

“I am upset by it myself. It’s had a shocking effect on me. I have been a teacher and I was never been involved in anything like this.

“Almondbury has not had any trouble like this at all since I have been a councillor. The whole episode has really upset me.”

The victim and his family are said to have resettled in Huddersfie­ld from Syria two years ago.

A Kirklees Council spokespers­on said: “The alleged incidents at Almondbury Community School are very serious matters and we are fully focused on our work with the police and the school. We have been working in partnershi­p for a number of weeks and our shared priority is the safety and welfare of all students.

“Due to the ongoing police involvemen­t we cannot go into further details, but any reports that safety may be compromise­d are taken extremely seriously.

“Safeguardi­ng issues are always thoroughly explored.”

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