Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Bullying happens in all types of life and careers


Used to be ace there! Won’t be long till 400 cardboard houses replace it if they don’t get back on top. Gemma Jones, actress, Jeff Bridges, actor, Pamela Stephenson, comedy actress turned therapist, Paul McGrath, former footballer Marisa Tomei, actress, Jay-Z, Kevin Sussman, actor, Tyra Banks, Kate Rusby, folk musician ‘HANDS up’ all those who have been bullied at school, not many would not have felt an older pupil pushing and shoving them and other things done to them.

Rather like pecking order, the big ones rule the roost, the latest controvers­y is where a Syrian lad was bullied and it was captured on a mobile.

Ever since these large schools came about many incidents take place, kids roaming about without restrictio­n, teachers cannot be everywhere so the bully boys show their pecking order.

Bullying does not stop when you leave school, it happens in all forms of life, in the workplace etc.

It is part of growing up, growing a thicker skin and helps in refusing to be intimidate­d.

Maybe that’s one of the reasons for pupils carrying knives, a form of protection against the bully boys who think it’s fun. ‘END of Crawler Lane’ reads the sign on Wakefield Road, just after Lascelles Hall.

The first time I saw this, my thoughts were ‘well, I never knew I was in a crawler lane. As I muse on this, many thoughts spring to mind.

1. If such signs are deemed important, should there not have been a previous sign with the warning ‘You are now entering a crawler lane’ - perhaps with a reduction in the speed limit?

2. Should I now regard the sign with a degree of relief? Am I now out of danger?

3. Did the Ministry of Transport think that this particular stretch of road was dangerous or excessivel­y steep? (it isn’t.)

4. There is a section of Wakefield Road, nearer to Lepton, where there is no possibilit­y of anyone overtaking another vehicle, due to the proliferat­ion of crossing points/bollards there. Surely, that stretch of the road should be deemed as ‘crawler-worthy’ READING Jenny White’s article on holidaying in Orlando I was surprised she was promoting swimming with dolphins at SeaWorld, when many holiday companies and cruise ships have dropped this ‘experience’ on moral ethical grounds.

Most people are against dolphins and orcas being held captive in concrete pens for our amusement, when they should be wild and free in the ocean.

In the words of the Boycott SeaWorld Group ‘THANKS, BUT NO THANKS’!

Anyone interested in finding out more about SeaWorld should read ‘Beneath the Surface,’ by John Hargrove, former senior orca trainer at SeaWorld.

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