Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘It breaks my heart that others could go through what we have’


A MUM whose only daughter died from a rare condition has put aside her personal heartbreak to try to raise awareness of the “killer disease”.

Steffanie Prest, 35, was left distraught after her 10-year-old, Angel, collapsed and died earlier this year at Scholes, near Holmfirth, as she and her husband, Rob, prepared to move into a new home.

Despite the best efforts of Rob and medics to revive her she died in the presence of her many family relatives and friends.

Steffanie, said: “We only found out around four weeks ago from Bradford Coroner’s Office following a post-mortem examinatio­n what she had died from, we weren’t even aware she had Marfan syndrome.

“She had been to see doctors and consultant­s over separate issues but no one had pieced the jigsaw together to discover that this is what she had.

“Rob and I held Angel as she left us because we’d heard her making a moaning sound. If we hadn’t, she would have died all alone.

“It breaks my heart to think that more families could go through what we have. We need to raise awareness.

“Maybe if it was better known someone could have seen the signs and possibly her life could have been saved.”

The syndrome is a genetic disorder that affects the body’s connective tissue and plays an important role in helping the body grow and develop properly.

But it is so rare, affecting perhaps one in 5,000 people, that its symptoms often go undetected until it’s too late. Symptoms include excessive height with long limbs and fingers as well as problems with heart valves. Angel was 5ft tall which meant she towered over her schoolmate­s.

Steffanie, who now lives in Wortley, near Sheffield, added: “This will be our first Christmas without her.

“Angel loved Christmas and being around all of her family so if I can try to raise awareness and prevent any other parents going through what we have had to go through that will be worth a lot.”

Steffanie also faces being tested to see whether she has the hereditary condition.

But despite everything she has been cheered by the generosity of people who have supported her Facebook appeal for Marfan Trust which supports the diagnosis and treatment patients.

In just two days more than £800 has been raised.

Anyone who wishes to contribute can go to: https://www.facebook. com/donate/2254401737­926257/

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