Huddersfield Daily Examiner



MILLIONS of bottles of prosecco will be downed this Christmas, mostly by women. British dentists claim it rots your teeth, and now we know why.

Italian producers have been caught adding sugar to the sparkling concoction to illegally boost alcohol levels.

I hesitate to call it wine, because it’s neither champagne nor plonk.

Anyway, officers from Italy’s food fraud squad got suspicious when they found two tonnes of sugar in sacks at a prosecco manufactur­er.

They promptly seized 750,000 litres of the stuff, which will now be turned into vinegar. At least you can put that on your fish and chips. THE average British worker has lost £12,680 in real earnings in the 10 years following the 2008 bankers’ recession, a survey by the TUC discloses.

Here in Kirklees, average pay has fallen by £28 a week to £361 – a 7% cut in income while inflation has been roaring ahead.

This is the real backdrop to rising demand at foodbanks in the Huddersfie­ld area and disquiet at reductions in benefits for the working poor.

Naturally, the greedy bankers who caused all this grief in the first place are still getting their Christmas bonuses.

The new deal at work unveiled by the government this week is a baby-step towards restoring pre-recession earnings, and won’t stop the exploitati­on of zerohours contracts.

 ??  ?? Huddersfie­ld Street Kitchen helping the needy
Huddersfie­ld Street Kitchen helping the needy
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