Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Man threatened to blow up former partner’s home

- By EMMA DAVISON @EmmaDaviso­n10

A MAN threatened to blow up his ex-partner’s house when she confronted him over indecent images found on a mobile phone.

Jake Spencer denied any involvemen­t with the pornograph­ic pictures but lost his temper when she told him that she had called police.

In an angry phone call he threatened to kill her and chop her new partner into little pieces.

The 27-year-old pleaded guilty to sending, via a public electronic communicat­ions network, a message that was grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene, or menacing character.

Prosecutor Jill Seddon said that Spencer had left the couple’s address following their separation.

She told Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court : “She found in a drawer a mobile phone and decided to check it.

“She found some pornograph­ic content and reported it to police. Then she made it known to the defendant what she had found.”

The Huddersfie­ld court heard that things then turned nasty on November 30 when the victim had a phone conversati­on with Spencer, of Latham Lane in Cleckheato­n.

Mrs Seddon said: “She challenged him about the (mobile phone) content and he said: ‘I’m going to smash your face in and blow your house up’.

“She replied not to be stupid as their child lives there and he said: ‘You’re lying. I’m going to kill you’.

“The defendant then heard her new partner there and threatened to chop him up into little pieces.”

The victim said she was appalled by what she saw on the mobile phone. Spencer claimed he was angry at her accusation­s but didn’t mean the threats he made.

Erica Topham, mitigating, said that her client is being investigat­ed by police over the images but denies any involvemen­t with them.

She explained that the phone had been in the drawer for some considerab­le time and the deleted images his ex found were too old to have anything to do with him.

Mrs Topham said: “He had nothing to do with the photos whatsoever and said he wouldn’t let her see the child since he left her. He heard the new boyfriend in the background who has access to his child and that upset him.

“It was off the cuff and he had no intention of ever doing anything about it. It was said in the heat of the moment.”

District Judge Michael Fanning fined Spencer £120 and ordered him to pay £85 court costs and £30 victim surcharge.

He told him : “You’ve been accused of something you’ve not done and the accusation­s have been spread which have caused you to react in this phone call.”

 ??  ?? Jake Spencer at Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court in Huddersfie­ld
Jake Spencer at Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court in Huddersfie­ld

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