Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Astronauts back for Christmas



THE United States’ main ally in Syria has warned that the withdrawal of American troops will lead to a resurgence of the extremist Islamic State (IS) group.

The Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic Forces said in a statement that a premature US troop pullout would have dangerous repercussi­ons and a destabilis­ing effect on the region.

“The war against IS has not ended and IS has not been defeated,” the statement said.

It was the first official comment by the group on US President Donald Trump’s surprise announceme­nt.

Mr Trump’s decision to withdraw troops from Syria has rattled Washington’s Kurdish allies, who are its most reliable partner in Syria and among the most effective ground forces battling IS.

With US air support, the Kurds drove IS from much of northern and eastern Syria in a costly fouryear campaign.

Kurdish officials and commanders met to discuss their responses to the decision, residents said.

Arin Sheikmos, a Kurdish journalist and commentato­r, said: “We have every right to be afraid.

“If the Americans pull out and leave us to the Turks or the (Syrian) regime, our destiny will be like the Kurds of Iraqi Kurdistan in 1991 – millions of refugees, there will be massacres. Neither the regime, not Iran nor Turkey, will accept our presence here.”

 ??  ?? Ground personnel help NASA’s Serena AunonChanc­ellor to get out of the capsule after landing THREE astronauts have returned to Earth after more than six months on the Internatio­nal Space Station. A Russian Soyuz capsule with Serena Aunon-Chancellor, Russian Sergey Prokopyev and German Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency landed in Kazakhstan.
Ground personnel help NASA’s Serena AunonChanc­ellor to get out of the capsule after landing THREE astronauts have returned to Earth after more than six months on the Internatio­nal Space Station. A Russian Soyuz capsule with Serena Aunon-Chancellor, Russian Sergey Prokopyev and German Alexander Gerst of the European Space Agency landed in Kazakhstan.

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