Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Let’s keep up interest in Almondbury library


THANK you to the 30 hardy souls who turned out to question Clr Graham Turner, the Kirklees councillor responsibl­e for corporate government.

The councillor is minded to close Almondbury’s 1905 Carnegie Library and move library services to the old Almondbury Children’s Centre. work with the one paid parttime worker, can open the current library for longer, then he could think about his decision – if he was minded to keep the library where it is.

The present thinking of library services seems to have divided Almondbury rather than uniting it.

My opinion is that ALFA has worked hard to make use of what is available.

The members would be reluctant to move and some of the activities currently taking place will not transfer down.

Arrangemen­ts are being made to use facilities in what they see as the heart of the village.

Clr Turner probably thinks that the library should have been the subject of an asset transfer.

That might still happen, but the people I deal with on a dayto-day basis are more interested in community activities rather than being landlords.

Let us hope that if the library moves it does not quickly fade away because of lack of community interest. THE recent events in France regarding the so-called Yellow Vest riots should be a wake-up call to our blinkered politician­s who clamour for a second referendum – aka The People’s Vote.

The French citizens showed exactly how they felt towards their government and, all parties across the political spectrum here should take note.

We, the British people, do not want another vote, nor do we want patronisin­g politicos telling us what’s right for us regarding the EU, or how ignorant we were to vote to leave.

I knew exactly what I voted for, to leave.

The overturnin­g of the 2016 result will result in far worse than deal or no deal, it will be the end of democracy as we know it, and, should our gutless politician­s have their way, the start of riots etc on a scale unseen in this great nation we call home.

 ??  ?? Colne Valley Labour MP Thelma Walker helped out with the last-minute Christmas post on a visit to Holmfirth sorting office
Colne Valley Labour MP Thelma Walker helped out with the last-minute Christmas post on a visit to Holmfirth sorting office
 ??  ??

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