Huddersfield Daily Examiner

For you in


HEALTH: The cloud of depression which accompanie­d a major event in 2018 lifts and you start to realise you no longer want to feel full of despair, but it is happiness you seek. The improved health of a close one has a knock-on effect on your own.

LOVE: Try not to ask others what you should do with your love life but instead ask your own head, and your own heart. To pretend you are a sign who wants to play games can only see you with burnt fingers. Parties in June cement your feelings. MONEY: Try not to invest in projects you know you don’t really have your heart on, or you could end up out of pride and pocket. Properties make money from October if you hold out for the deal. HEALTH: A lethargic end to 2018 sees you raring to go and hungry for success. Relationsh­ips continue to affect your heath and it would be wise to use

January to set new boundaries.

LOVE: You have been playing your cards very close to your chest and it will be hard for you to even know what your feelings are until March. You are only hurrying to find out the results, but you’re in the driving seat, and direct talks work a miracle.

MONEY: A financial dispute has left you with a bad taste in your mouth. Try to move on from it and don’t allow it to sour the taste of what should be a really exciting year of investment and payoffs. Knowing your rights is everything in May. HEALTH: You take more of an interest in your body and mind from

March and find yourself changing things you thought were set in stone.

LOVE: It is a healthier love life which awaits you. You’re no longer so frightened of settling into a commitment, but you welcome it with open arms. An ex is not being honest. Don’t give them your valuable time.

MONEY: MO Don’t be afraid to ask questions about your money in the year ahead. It is the key to you getting the fair and just deal you need to live life your way. An old contact comes in handy with a contact you need for a contractua­l matter mid-summer.


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