Huddersfield Daily Examiner

After 15 years road is still just as bad as it was


Sir Michael Caine (pictured), actor/author, 86; Quincy Jones, producer/composer, 86; Rita Tushingham, actress, 77; Jasper Carrott, actor/ comedian, 74; Pam Ayres (pictured), poet, 72; Billy Crystal, actor/comedian/director, 71; Tessa Sanderson, former athlete, 63; Jamie Bell, actor, FOR some 15 years motorists have had to negotiate a dangerous one way priority system over the Whitacre Street bridge. The reason for this we where informed, was that the bridge was too weak for two lorries to pass over at the same time.

Finally some six weeks ago, work commenced to the strengthen the said bridge but to the motorists amazement on completion, Kirklees Highways has implemente­d the dangerous one-way system which was only there because of restrictio­ns of weight.

Come on highways. please remove these obstructio­ns and stop slowing traffic down announceme­nt of yet another “cunning plan” by our Council. It beggars belief.

Build 31,000 houses with no infrastruc­ture to support them.

There are 23 roads in Kirklees that are breaching air pollution levels set by the government.

A nice little jolly to Cannes to attract inward investment (I hope they are telling the truth about a town in a downward spiral of their making otherwise we will be getting sued under Trades Descriptio­n regulation­s.)

Now we have been told of plans for a new cultural and arts centre when they could not bother to publicise the exhibition of the works of “Hudders- field Lad” and internatio­nal artist David Blackburn MBE.

Next we have the plan to close Almondbury Community High School. This action by Kirklees is exactly the same as its actions on the demise of our town centre. If at first you don’t succeed – give up!

Perhaps on May 2 the electors will ensure that happens – the time for change has surely arrived. hurtling head on into relegation’ (

I thought for a minute that, rather than the fate of Town, it referred to the country as it falls out of the European Union and becomes a second-division nation.

There are more pressing matters for ordinary people than how important the nation is on the world stage.

However, even as one of the bigger economies, Britain seems unable to defend public healthcare, ensure all citizens are adequately housed and guarantee a future for its young people.

Internatio­nal co-operation is essential to deal with internatio­nal issues such as tax avoidance by global companies, the laundering of monies stolen from weaker states and environmen­tal problems, to name but three.

In a reformed, progressiv­e EU, Britain could have played a role as a force for good across the world. Outside it, why would anyone listen to our government?

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