Huddersfield Daily Examiner

I respect remainers choice, I hope they respect mine


Democracy doesn’t just end after a decision has been made. It is a constant process. Regardless of the vote there would have still been protests on either side. A referendum is also not legally binding. There was nothing stopping the government having the referendum and then doing nothing with it upon its conclusion. Without our freedom of democracy you would have no right to protest anything, be that Brexit or any other political concern of yours. IT has been a long while since I was called naïve by anyone, and, if Mr Brooks knew me as I truly am, he would definitely reconsider such a rash assumption (Feed Back, April 9).

I voted to leave the EU, believing it would be the best decision for our country. No doubt people voting remain believe the same, convincing themselves their’s is the right way forward.

I disagree but respect their view, as I hope they will respect mine without resorting to badinage.

Coincident­ally, the only newspaper I read is the Examiner, and, considerin­g the tenet of Mr Brooks letter, perhaps he views it as subverting the minds of everyone who chooses to read it as well. ifesto was, that is was the wish of the majority of the electorate of the UK to leave the EU.

On the ballot paper we were given a stark choice, remain or leave.

There was no: Do you, A want to remain, B want to leave with a deal or C want to leave without a deal.

This deal or no deal is simply a ploy by the remain fraternity and that includes the EU itself, for if or when the UK does leave, it will have to fill a multi-billion euro hole in its finances.

To drag things out in the hope that the nation becomes so disenchant­ed or bored with the whole thing that it will say “I’ve had enough, forget it, just leave things as they are”, isn’t democracy. Much has been said of flytipping and accumulati­ng litter in our region. Motorists arriving or leaving West Yorkshire along the M62 are welcomed by a tatty jumble of abandoned lorry trailers emblazoned with adverts. Are there no planning regulation­s which control this? What a welcome to our otherwise beautiful region!

John Rawlinson, shire became so powerful that he can constantly stonewall our Prime Minister?

His hail fellow well met demeanour, unsteady gait and daft antics – kissing the Belgian PMs bald head, offering the tieless Greek PM his tie and arm wrestling Nigel Farage to mention just a few – hide a steely love of power.

He has proved most unhelpful towards the UK and had we had a more malleable EU President showing due respect to our PM we might have avoided some of the intransige­nt mess herein.

As it is the EU elections are looming in May and Mr Junker insists we take part even if we are on the verge of leaving. If we leave the PM has stated that the divorce bill will be £39bn

I bet Jean Claude will enjoy spending that on the wealthy EU – while the UK with areas of great need will be much the poorer! of Yorkshire Tiger buses, saying there has been a great improvemen­t in punctualit­y, when on April 6 I waited for a bus in Skelmantho­rpe for 50 minutes and when it arrived it only managed to limp along one mile to Shelley garden centre where it finally gave up the ghost and we all had to get off. PLEASE could any of your readers help me?

I am writing a book called The Weaver of Whirlaw, the firstever biography of multi-talented Yorkshirem­an William ‘Billy’ Holt (1897-1977) who was born in Todmorden, and I would very much like to hear from anyone who knew him, met him or had any contact with him or any of his family.

Your readers can get in touch at : andyowens3­ or Andy Owens, c/o 65 Woodlands Avenue, Halifax HX3 6HJ

All help will be acknowledg­ed in the published book.

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