Huddersfield Daily Examiner

‘Politician­s have a vendetta against me’



who have told a lot of untruths about me throughout the last three-and-ahalf years.”

The Greens are fielding a full slate of candidates in 23 seats across the borough including Newsome, which is the party’s stronghold.

In Newsome the seat is currently held by the Greens’ Julie StewartTur­ner, who is stepping down. Voters go to the polls on May 2. Mr Smith reserved his ire for Clr Cooper who, he said, had turned a local planning matter into a clash of personalit­ies.

“I think it’s become a personal vendetta. All Andrew Cooper has gone on about was me.

“When the council overturned the covenant he referred to an individual making money from the site. That was a reference to me. But I’m not the only individual investing in property.

“I understand and support those who try to protect green space but there is no longer anything to protect as those charged with the preservati­on of [the green] went bust.

“Clr Cooper could not assist them and seems to want to blame me for both his failings and theirs.

“I simply bought the land off the liquidator­s and want to build affordable housing, for which there is a great demand.

“I feel as if this is victimisat­ion. Any party would be better than the Green Party in Newsome. The more I can expose them for what they are, the more chance I have got to get them booted out of the ward. “They are a useless party.” Responding to Mr Smith, Clr Cooper said: “The bowlers that were evicted from the bowling green after 100 years will feel ‘victimised’. They lost a facility that was taken from them.

“The Green Party backs the community against people that act against the interests of the community.

“As far as backing the Labour Party is concerned, during every election we are in the hands of local people. We’ll know on May 2 whether local people back Stewart Smith and his support for the Labour Party, or don’t and support the Green Party.

“Our fate is in the hands of local people and always has been.

“When people choose which parties to support they will have a mix of community and personal interest. I will leave it for local people to decide where Stewart Smith’s interests lie.”

 ??  ?? Clr Andrew Cooper
Clr Andrew Cooper
 ??  ?? Developer Stewart Smith has accused Green councillor­s of having a vendetta against him
Developer Stewart Smith has accused Green councillor­s of having a vendetta against him SIMON MORLEY

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