Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Learner driver caused car crash while over drink limit

- By EMMA DAVISON @EmmaDaviso­n10

A LEARNER driver who caused a crash while three times over the legal limit has been ordered to get help with her alcohol problem.

Police were called following the accident in Berry Brow shortly after 1am on March 9.

Leanne Bamforth, 29, pleaded guilty to driving while over the prescribed limit, using a vehicle without insurance and driving otherwise than in accordance with a licence.

Prosecutor Alex Bozman told Kirklees magistrate­s that a male driver was travelling along Woodhead Road when his Peugeot 207 was struck by a Seat Leon being driven by Bamforth.

He told magistrate­s both vehicles suffered damage following the crash at the junction with Carriage Drive.

Bamforth was arrested after a positive breath test. Further tests revealed that she had 101 microgramm­es of alcohol in 100 millilitre­s of breath, the legal limit is 35 microgramm­es.

Bamforth, who was not represente­d, confirmed that she only holds a provisiona­l licence.

She told magistrate­s she works with vehicles and was informed by her boss “not to return” if she gets a driving ban exceeding nine months.

Bamforth, of Hampshire Street in Moldgreen, said: “I’m really sorry. I just want to sort my life out.”

Magistrate­s banned her from driving for 24 months. Chairman of the bench Brian Hughes told her : “You’re very close to going to custody on a reading this high.

“You know how much you had to drink that night and you are at the top end of the scale.”

However, he said they were prepared to go with the recommenda­tion by the Probation Service.

This is a 12 month community order with up to 20 days of rehabilita­tion activities and six months of non-residentia­l alcohol treatment.

 ??  ?? Leanne Bamforth at Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court
Leanne Bamforth at Kirklees Magistrate­s’ Court

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