Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Fans raise £50k sleeping rough


TOWN fans who spent a night sleeping rough have raised a massive £50,000 for charities that help the homeless.

Last month around 200 people braved the cold for Huddersfie­ld Town’s second Big Sleep Out.

Organised by the club’s charity, the Town Foundation, more than £50,000 was raised.

Fans, business supporters and sponsors slept in the Britannia Rescue Stand at the John Smith’s Stadium, the night before the Bournemout­h game, bedding down on cardboard between the seats.

It came after a hugely successful first event which raised £55,000 with all monies going to Huddersfie­ld Mission, the Welcome Centre, Batley Care & Drop-in, One Big Family, Batley Foodbank, Dewsbury Baptist Church and Winter Warmers.

Paul Bridges, from the Mission in Huddersfie­ld town centre, said: “The support from Huddersfie­ld Town fans through the Town Foundation has enabled Huddersfie­ld Mission to continue its work supporting people in the heart of Huddersfie­ld. In 2018, our advice team supported over 900 different people providing over 6,000 individual support sessions, including supporting people who were homeless or had significan­t mental health issues or were vulnerable in some other way.

“We always look to support people’s immediate needs as well as long-term or underlying issues.

“So, as well as our advice and support service, we provide lowcost food in our cafe, free food every evening during the winter months and a range of activity groups to boost self-esteem and confidence.”

John Trevenna, of Batley Care & Drop In, added: “The money kindly donated from the 2018 Sleep Out to ‘Batley Care and Drop-In’ was used to purchase a freezer, for the storage of food for meals which we provide, and also a computer for the use of our clients.

“Many clients have to do their benefit responses online, and having a computer at the Drop-In, and a volunteer who can help instruct clients in its use, is a great help.”

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 ??  ?? Darren Bryant, HTAFC finance director, doing Big Sleep Out at the John Smith’s Stadium in Huddersfie­ld
Darren Bryant, HTAFC finance director, doing Big Sleep Out at the John Smith’s Stadium in Huddersfie­ld

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