Huddersfield Daily Examiner

White Rose Beauty College rated ‘outstandin­g’ by Ofsted


HITE Rose Beauty College is celebratin­g after being rated ‘outstandin­g ’ in their recent Ofsted inspection. Awarded Grade 1 by the inspection body, the college provides excellent courses for 1618 year olds who are looking to progress in the field of health and beauty upon leaving school, as well as offering courses for adults who are looking for a career change or want to try something new.

An ITEC recognised ‘Centre of Excellence’, White Rose prides itself on offering high quality training in the health and beauty sector, and aims to be at the forefront of the field, inspiring and teaching individual­s to pursue their passion and achieve their dreams.

As well as study programme courses for 16-18 year olds, the school provides specialise­d, fully-funded apprentice­ships for the more hands-on learner.

For adults particular­ly, there are a range of part-time qualificat­ions on offer, with daytime, evening and weekend options allowing you to flexibly fit your studies around your current commitment­s.

Additional­ly, there are Advanced Learning loans available, if funding your studies is a concern.

Within their health and wellbeing course, White Rose look at how to manage and reduce stress levels for example - perfect for those with a demanding work life and daily routine. The college offers this strand of training to companies also, to help promote a healthy mindset and lifestyle amongst employees.

White Rose Beauty College take applicatio­ns all year round, with their main intake periods being in January, April and September.

If you’re looking to venture or progress into the health and beauty field, visit www.whiteroseb­eautycolle­, call the Huddersfie­ld team on 01484 510625, or send your query to huddersfie­ld@ whiteroseb­eautycolle­

Keep up with White Rose daily life by following the school on Facebook (@ whiteroseh­uddersfiel­d), Instagram (@whiteroseb­eauty_) and Twitter (@ whiteroseb­eauty).

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 ??  ?? In addition to beauty, the college offers holistic and sports therapies
In addition to beauty, the college offers holistic and sports therapies

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