Huddersfield Daily Examiner

Dog attack owner and hospital pay phone thief before court


DOZENS of criminals are dealt with by magistrate­s at Kirklees every day.

Magistrate­s have the powers to jail defendants for up to six months for one offence or 12 months in total for a number of offences.

They can also hand down fines of up to £5000.

All magistrate­s are unpaid volunteers and they only receive expenses for the work they do.

With more serious offences they will send a defendant to Crown Court for sentencing.

Here are the latest cases from the courts.

Adrian Michael Lockwood, 52, of Wakefield Road, Fenay Bridge, Huddersfie­ld. Used threatenin­g or abusive words or behaviour at Northgate, Almondbury, on January 12, and assaulted an on-duty police officer. Community order made with requiremen­t to attend rehabilita­tion activity for up to 15 days. Ordered to pay £250 compensati­on, an £85 surcharge and £85 costs.

Simon Anthony Kenneth Mcdonald, 34, also known as Simon Mcdonald, of Holme Park Court, Woodhead Road, Berry Brow, Huddersfie­ld. Owner of a dog - Roxy - a Staffordsh­ire bull terrier cross - which was dangerousl­y out of control and attacked a person in Huddersfie­ld on February 26, 2018. Ordered that unless the dog can be kept under control, on a lead and fitted with a muzzle accompanie­d by a person aged 16 or over, the dog will be destroyed. The dog has been ordered to be neutered. Community order made with curfew and electronic monitoring required for 12 weeks. Ordered to pay £100 compensati­on.

Clare Louise Jenkins, 44, of Spinkfield Road, Birkby, Huddersfie­ld. Drink driving on Acre Street, Huddersfie­ld, on February 23. Community order made for an alcohol treatment requiremen­t for six months. Rehabilita­tion activity requiremen­t for up to 17 days. Ordered to pay an £85 surcharge and £85 costs. Banned from driving for 42 months.

Andrew Holmes, 31, of Marlington Drive, Sheepridge, Huddersfie­ld. Caused £100 of damage to a property at The Keys, Huddersfie­ld, on February 17. Committed assault at The Keys, Huddersfie­ld, on February 17. Restrainin­g order imposed until March 28, 2020. Ordered to pay £110 compensati­on. Fined £76. Ordered to pay a £30 surcharge and £85 costs.

Aiden Martin, 20, of Ealand Road, Batley. Allowed himself to be carried in a vehicle knowing that the vehicle had been taken without consent, on Huddersfie­ld Road, on February 17. Discharged conditiona­lly for 12 months. Ordered to pay £200 compensati­on, a £20 surcharge and £85 costs.

Nathan Anthony Williams, 31, of School Crescent, Dewsbury. Stole a hospital pay phone from Dewsbury District Hospital, Dewsbury, on March 8. Stole products worth £500 from Costcutter, Westboroug­h, Dewsbury, on March 10. Commission of a further offence while subject to a conditiona­l discharge order for the original offence of theft from shop. Jailed for 16 weeks, in total. Ordered to pay a £115 surcharge.

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